Many people think of yoga as just another exercise or a cultural trend but in reality, yoga can be the tool used to gain mental clarity and enlightenment. Some could even go as far proclaiming yoga to be a life saver. I am one of those people because yoga literally saved my life.
Yoga “yoke” or union, is a group of physical, mental and spiritual practices aimed to still and control the mind.
I remember sitting on my therapist couch seven years ago with tears streaming down my face in the middle of what seemed like the world's biggest panic attack. I was a new nurse, divorced single mother of two children and I had come to the point in my life where I was not happy. I was full of nerves, seeking happiness from outside of myself, yearning for peace in this world full of chaos. I was battling multiple addictions, attempting to get my life back on track. All my childhood traumas and issues managed to come to the surface rearing their cruel and unrelenting heads. “I just don’t know how to control my anxiety and thoughts,” I said to my therapist. She looked at me with concern and compassion and asked, “why don’t you try yoga?” At the time, the last thing I needed was to start another workout fad that would soon fade away like many of the past, but during my first yoga class I experienced a peace that can’t be described. My heart rate slowed down and my mind was clear to think.
Yoga strengthens the mind, body and soul connection. Many of us are depressed and anxious, not realizing that we have been operating solely in our physical form, completely unaware of what our spirit needs. We often worry about physical things of this world and need to reconnect with our spirit.
It helps to calm your mind, something that is vital in this day of technology where we are constantly stressed and overstimulated. It provides the calm needed during the storms of life where we can center ourselves, our thoughts and our needs. During meditation and controlling your breath you become more aware of your spirit and yourself. As you develop your awareness, you gain insight into your feelings, character and deepest desires.
It creates a state of mindfulness, which is being in the present moment. This helps with releasing worry about the past and anxiety about the future.
“Peace is just a period of time between war”.
Yoga can help those battling addictions and mental health issues. It aids with clearing mental baggage we hold onto with our thoughts regarding things of the past. As we let go of thoughts of the past and things we cannot control, we can let go of our vices needed to cope. Controlling your breath during difficult poses in Yoga can benefit you in everyday life where breathing exercises are needed to control yourself, your thoughts and your emotions.
It helps us break away from societal expectations we hold onto and allows us to aim for and reach our soul’s full potential.
So as you can see yoga is way more than a trend, or an exercise you do on your mat… is a way of life for those who seek peace. Practicing yoga does not mean that we will not have difficult times or experience unpleasant emotions, however it does help with our mental health and staying connected to our spirit.
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