The things we aren't aware of will continue to try to get our attention until we pay attention. Sometimes looking at and sitting with things we would rather avoid is actually where the keys we seek are held. That which we ignore, run from, or avoid controls us. It controls our mind, our responses, it controls the actions we will and won't take.
Above all… Self-awareness is key. Understanding yourself is the most powerful tool a person can have. Not only does it reconnect you to what you want and need, but to also what is best for you. Those who are self-aware tend to act consciously rather than passively
Journal. Self reflect by looking deep into yourself and write down all of your characteristics, positive and negative. So you know...
Avoid being hard on yourself for your negative traits. Know that everyone has both productive and destructive qualities.
Check your Ego. Whenever you do or say something, be conscious of the reason behind it.
Be able to tell your self ‘No’. To put off short-term gratification for long-term gain is an important aspect of being aware of you.
A yoga practice is a powerful tool for inner development. Time for self-observation and contemplation is a necessary part of everyday life.
Coming into your life’s purpose is one thing, but without self-awareness and self-understanding, pursuing the life and the things you want can be a major challenge. It can cause us to have set backs and get stuck on things and not know why, it can create internal 'blockages' without knowledge of how to help ourselves.
Self-awareness does not happen overnight and can be a challenge. We often operate on auto pilot; unconscious of our thoughts, feelings and how we can come off. However, through receiving honest feedback, building on our strengths and weaknesses and monitoring our thoughts and emotions, we can cultivate more self awareness.
Until next time..