Upward-Facing Dog
Urdhva Mukha Svanasana
What is Upward-Facing Dog?
Updog is a back-bending pose that strengthens the arms, shoulders, and upper back while creating a deep stretch in the chest and spine. It’s often included in vinyasa flows, so you may have come across it as part of a Sun Salutation sequence. It’s great for opening up the heart and finding energy in your practice.
How to Do Upward-Facing Dog
Start lying on your stomach with your legs extended straight back, feet hip-width apart, and tops of the feet pressing into the mat.
Place your hands by your ribcage with your elbows hugging in close to your body.
Press through your hands to lift your chest up, straightening your arms. Keep a slight bend in the elbows if you need to, and let your shoulders roll back.
Lift your thighs and knees off the mat, pressing the tops of your feet firmly down. This action engages your legs and makes the pose feel light and supported.
Open your chest and lift your gaze slightly to keep length in the neck.
Engaging in the Pose
In Updog, you want to avoid collapsing into your shoulders. Instead, press through your palms, engage your core, and feel your chest lifting and expanding. Imagine your spine lengthening as you lift through the chest, creating space between each vertebra.
Tips for Upward-Facing Dog
Engage your legs and core to protect your lower back.
Keep your shoulders relaxed and away from your ears.
Don’t overextend your neck. Keep your gaze forward or slightly upward.
Benefits of Upward-Facing Dog
Upward-Facing Dog strengthens your arms, shoulders, and upper back, while deeply stretching the chest, shoulders, and abdomen. It’s a great pose for counteracting slouching or tightness in the chest. Plus, it’s an energizing pose that can help improve posture and build confidence.
Give Updog a try in your next practice, and notice how it opens up your heart and energizes your body. Let me know if you have any questions, and enjoy the lift!
Peace and Flow 🐶