Downward Facing Dog

“Adho Mukha Svanasana”

This pose alone can burn impurities in the body from warmth generated while in this position. It gets very real and can show you where you are if you are out of shape. Downward facing dog can and may lead to not only a physical change but a change in diet, fasting or other asanas to detox the body.

This pose is full body. It creates balance throughout the entire body while strengthening the hands, wrists, shoulders, back, hamstrings, calves and event the arches of the feet.


As you go deeper in this pose, you neutralize the spine, bringing it back to its natural alignment. It is a great pose for stretching and strengthening the body. 

This pose is great for athletes or one with any sort of physical practice.

It increases circulation. Being upside down sends blood and vital nutrients to your brain.

It improves respiration. It's great for people with any breathing problems, like asthma. It cleans out the airways by draining away any mucus that accumulates over time and relieves congestion. Those with a cold and stuffy nose should hang out in downward dog to help relieve symptoms.


Keys for proper alignment:

  • Hands are shoulder width apart.

  • Palms are pressed flat pushing away. Spread the fingers wide apart.

  • Feet are hip distance apart. Heals are drifting down towards the yoga mat. Heals may or may not touch the ground. It is ok if they do not touch the floor. They may never touch floor and that’s ok too.

  •  Engage the core by pressing the belly button towards your spine

  • Press the chest toward the mat.

  • Back is straight. Spine is elongated.

  • Gaze is towards navel or knees.

  • Focus is on the the breathe.


Modifications for Downward Dog:

  • If you are experiencing sensitive wrists or Carpal Tunnel Syndrome you may wish to try holding onto a rolled towel beneath the palms in this pose.

  • Alternatively, come into Dolphin Pose, placing the elbows and forearms on the ground instead of the palms, to avoid putting pressure on the wrists and hands while in this position.

 Contraindications for Downward Dog:

Those who are experiencing recent or chronic inflammation/injury to the arms, wrists, shoulders, back, hips, knees, legs, or ankles will want to wait until recovery of health before practicing the pose.